Under the current regulatory framework, in accordance with the EPR principle, the entities identified as producers are:
any natural or legal person established in Italy who, on a professional basis, acting independently or through a third party, either manufactures or markets a product in Italy under their own name, a trade name or registered trademark; the person responsible for placing a product on the market is not considered the producer if the product also bears the producer’s name, trade name or registered trademark;
any natural or legal person established in Italy who, on a professional basis, imports or releases on the national market products manufactured by natural or legal persons not established in Italy;
any natural or legal person not established in Italy who, on a professional basis, places products on the Italian market directly to the consumer or end user by means of distance communication technologies.
A textile product is to be understood as any article of clothing, footwear, accessories, leather goods or home and hospitality textiles, toys and textile packaging, finished and released for consumption, complete with all its parts, components and accessories, whatever its composition and intended use.
An exemplary and non-exhaustive list is available here
Thanks to Ecotessili, producers can pre-register with the collective system with no obligation and at no cost. To pre-register, please fill in the form
a proactive, timely and relevant update on developments in legislation and requirements for producers;
a safeguard in case of sudden enforcement of the implementing decrees. Companies are free to finalise their membership in the Ecotessili consortium or choose other solutions available on the market;
participation in possible pilot projects to test the textile waste collection and treatment system;
free consultancy support from Ecotessili technicians for all EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) issues;
a service, which is already in place, to manage and optimise all their special waste;
use of the Ecotessili brand for corporate communication related to EPR and the circular economy.
To formalise pre-registration, simply fill in the registration form